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RCCG Philippines

Sunday School Manual

RCCG Philippines Sunday School




The Directorate of Christian Education (DCE) is an arm of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. Established in 1992, DCE is saddled with the responsibility of nurturing members of the Church with the undiluted Word of God, from the cradle to the point of maturity in Christ. This is currently being accomplished through some of the fundamental agents of Christian Education – Sunday School, House-fellowship, etc.

Sunday School was the first to be established of all the training arms of the mission. It was and still remains a powerful medium of developing manpower for all arms and units in the church. Sunday School was established in 1952 as soon as the church commenced Sunday services. Many members have been drawn into the church through the instrument of the Sunday School department.

In line with the overall vision of the Church, DCE’s primary objective is to raise, grow and mature believers with sound Christian life and culture who will, in turn, disciple others for Christ. This is carried out through teaching and training of man-power. By the grace of God, DCE has over the years, provided the Church with a pool of resource personnel and leaders in various capacities in the mission for kingdom services.

In order to fulfill the divine mandate, DCE has the following units in place:

  1. Administration/Secretariat

  2. Finance & Marketing

  3. Research &Training

  4. Languages & Translation

  5. Data & Statistics

  6. Inspection

  7. Rural Education & Evangelism

  8. Sunday School Coordinators

  9. House-Fellowship Coordinators


DCE has materials and manuals published for the spiritual nourishment and edification of the body of Christ. Many of these publications are also available in other languages (local and foreign). It is our vision to reproduce, in Christ, souls that will be heavenly conscious and earthly relevant.

Here you can download our Sunday School Lesson in WORD format or PDF

Lesson 4

Salvation Experience

The Redeemed Christian Church of God

  RCCG Philippines

P R O V I N C E  2


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