Hosanna! The Coming King
Luke 19:28-44
Zechariah 9:9
Jesus was celebrated in His triumphant entry in Bethany where he made a public claim to be the King of Israel.
He was declaring to the people that he was the King and the Messiah they had been waiting for.
Unfortunately they welcomed him out of their desire of messianic deliverer to lead them a revolt against Rome.
In spite of the shallowness and the superficiality, and hypocrisy of the people
What is the Significance of “The Triumphant Entry”?
It is that of Jesus coming of Jesus to Jerusalem on what we call as the “PALM SUNDAY”
The Sunday before the crucifixion
It is a fulfillment of a prophecy in Zachariah 9:9
It is one of the few incidents in the life of Jesus that appeared in all 4 gospel accounts, putting all together it becomes one of the “Significant event” in the life of Jesus
We celebrate Palm Sunday to remember the momentous occasion
-John 12:1 he arrived at Bethany six days before the Passover (Saturday) (Friday/ Good Friday)
-John 12:1-2 a supper was given in his honor, six days before his crucifixion
-John 12:9-11 the next day Sunday the was a crowd (John 12:17-19)
Jesus sets this situation deliberately to speed up the fulfillment of his execution
Perfect timing, perfect city, perfect week the timing is impeccable
He triggers the event himself by getting himself a ride to the city
1. Fulfillment of the prophecy (Zechariah 9:9)
2. Demonstrates his omniscience (he knows where the colt is)
3. He receives the adoration and worship of the people that points out to his deity and as the messiah
What does “Hosanna” mean?
Hosanna- means “SAVE, PLEASE”
-The Hebrew word, “hoshi’a na,” is translated in Greek as “(h) osanna (Psalm 118:25)
The Irony of the Triumphant Entry
-The contrast between the commendation of Jesus by the people and the condemnation of people by Jesus
-On one hand it is acclamation and admiration, on the other hand it is shallow and hypocritical
-The contrast between what the people expect and what they receive is vast
1. We must look at Jesus as our Savior and Lord
-the situation of the Israelites is that they are looking for a Savior for physical tyranny of Roman Emperor not a Savior of our sinful nature (Romans 6:5-11) (2 Peter 3:18)
-the problem of the world is that they are looking for a savior not Lord over their life
-what is Jesus is building is not a physical kingdom but a spiritual kingdom that starts in the heart of men (Matthew 24:8)
2. Jesus humbled himself ( Philippians 2:3-8)
-The Entry simply reminds us that Christ started in glory and honor but then takes those steps downward, each step with careful deliberation and sacrifice.
-It is this humbling of Christ that so clearly marks the way for us in the life we are now to live on earth.
-The Christian walk on earth must be one of laying aside the pursuit of self. Like Christ our Master we deliberately choose to take these downward steps. We willingly forsake our selves so that we can choose God and prefer others.
-The Christian life is to be characterized by humble service. Christ’s humble attitude must be our attitude toward life. We are now to put our serving towel on and wipe the disciples’ feet. As Christians we are privileged to share in Christ’s humble but loving life.
3. Jesus is worthy of Praise, worship and adoration
-The importance of recognizing and worship Jesus as the King He is, not necessarily as the king we desire.
-we should worship him in spirit and in truth (Matthew 15:17-18)
His triumphal entry is not in a certain place our city but in our hearts where he conquered us not by “force” but by love, grace, mercy and his sacrifice for us.
His kingdom is not arrayed with armies or splendor by lowliness and servant hood
His conquers not nations but hearts and minds