August Holy Ghost Service
Friday, August 7th 2015
Theme: The All Sufficient God
By: Pastor E. A. Adeboye
Lift your hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy name.
Give Him glory, give Him honour, give Him adoration
Bless His Holy name, bless the King of kings, bless the Lord of lords, bless the Ancient of days.
Give Him all glory, give Him all honour, bless Him.
He is worthy to be praised, He is worthy to be adored, magnify His Holy name, magnify His Holy name, magnify His Holy name.
In Jesus mighty name we have worshiped.
Lift your voice to Him and say, Father, don't let me go away empty handed tonight. Go ahead talk to the Almighty. Don't let me go away empty handed tonight.
Please my Father and my God, don't let me go away empty handed, don't let me go away empty handed, please Lord let me meet with You tonight, don't let me go away empty handed, don't let me go away empty handed.
Thank You Father, thank You Saviour, blessed be Your holy name, thank You Lord.
You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Halleluyah Halleluyah
You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Halleluyah Halleluyah
You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Halleluyah Halleluyah
You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Halleluyah Halleluyah
Father Almighty we bless Your name.
Ancient of days we magnify Your Holy name.
Unchangeable Lord we worship You.
Thank You Father!
Daddy says there is someone here tonight, your cry is that 'God will remember you'. Daddy asks me to tell you, I will remember you tonight.
King of kings and Lord of lords, Lord of host, the Lord strong and mighty , Lord mighty in battle we worship You, accept our worship in Jesus' Name.
Please remember all of us tonight.
Fight our battles for us.
Do something great in all our lives.
Even before the sun rises tomorrow give us a mighty testimonies.
Thank You for everything Lord.
Just glorify Yourself tonight.
In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed.
Now, let someone shout halleluyah.
Shake hands with one or two people, and prophesy to them that 'God will remember you tonight'.
And then you may please be seated.
Let us open our Bible to Genesis chapter 17 verse 1.
Genesis chapter 17 verse 1.
If you have opened your Bible let me hear you say 'amen'.
If you have not opened your own say 'wait for me'.
Ha! Alright open your Bible to Genesis chapter 17 verse 1.
Let somebody shout halleluyah.
"And when Abraham was ninety years old and nine the Lord appeared to Abraham and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before Me and be thou perfect".
God said to Abraham, He said I Am Jehovah El - shaddai, the God who is more than enough, the All Sufficient God.
That All Sufficient God is here tonight, He has demonstrated His power, if you will obey Him, He will solve all your problem tonight.
Do I hear your amen loud and clear?
He is sufficient for all our needs.
That is while the Bible says 'the just shall live by faith'.
He is sufficient for our physical needs.
Like I told you on Wednesday, He is the God of all flesh.
Jeremiah 32 verse 27, says "He is the God of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for Him".
If only you will believe, He will surprise you tonight.
I will tell you a story of faith that can produced the miraculous.
There was this young man, a teenager, and he has a blood condition that is called "ss", had been sick all the days of his life.
Then, one Sunday he said he wanted to give a testimony, and they said yes!
What is your testimony?
He said, "I had that Daddy G.O. is coming to this church this next coming Sunday".
I want to testify, that, "I will be healed on that Sunday".
Somebody phone me to tell - "this young man gave this testimony".
And I was praying, God, let me meet this young man.
As God will have it, as I was coming out of my car, in the church, the young man was standing there.
He did not look like a teenager at all.
He looks so tiny.
He came to me and say Daddy, 'I have been sick all the days of my life, but I am confident that since you have come to this church today, I will be healed today'.
I hugged him.
I said, it will be unto you according to your faith.
I got his letter last month, because the boy is in America. I met him in March.
He wrote, "Dear Daddy, I want to thank God and I want to thank You, I have been healed since the day you came to our church".
With confidence in the most high God, I am prophesying to someone here tonight, who believes, tonight you will get your miracles.
He is more than sufficient for our material needs.
Because according to Psalm 24 verse 1.
Psalm 24 verse 1. The Bible says "the whole earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof".
In 2King chapter 4 verse 1 to 7.
A widow was in debt, and the creditors wanted to sell her two sons to recover their money.
She cried to the Almighty - The All Sufficient one.
He intervened.
Not only was she able to pay off her debt, she had enough money to live on for the rest of her life.
I am prophesying to someone here tonight, before the end of this month, financially the tied will turned for you.
A woman came to me, I think it was in 1983 or 1984, she came from one town in Oyo State, for prayers.
I said don't worry, God will provide for you, etcetera; you can go home now.
She said I cannot go because I don't have the money to travel back.
And I was very poor then too.
It is just that one poor is different from another poor.
I took the little money I had, divided it into two and gave her half - it was in June.
By the following August, she came back and bought a big cow for the convention.
There is somebody here tonight, financially, things might be difficult, but next year convention you will be one of those who will sponsor it.
He is more than sufficient emotionally.
Psalm 16 verse 11, the Bible says "in His presence there is fullness of joy".
You have heard the testimony before.
We were in the very first auditorium, we were all praying and when I was praying, I closed my eyes.
Then God spoke to me, He said, son, open your eyes.
I almost told Him 'Lord, I am praying'.
So, I opened my eyes and He pointed at a woman in the crowd, who was drenched in tears; God said, go and tell her to 'weep not'.
That is all God asked me to tell her.
I got to her; I touched her.
Sister! God said, 'weep not'.
Suddenly, her face brightened, as if the sun was coming out of the cloud.
Because she knew, at long last God has heard her.
In the Name that is above every other name, at long last God will hear you today.
A year later, she came to see me, I said, sister, what can I do to help you?
She opened her mouth and closed it. She couldn't say anything.
She opened her mouth again, and closed it.
I said. what is it sister?
She opened her mouth the third time and said "Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!!"
I said ok. Yes! Have heard Jesus. What?
She said, I was the woman who was weeping that you came to and said "weep not".
She said, "I had been barren, I think twelve years, and the relatives of my husband said I should get out of the house if I don't have a child. That is while I was weeping that day".
I looked at her - It was my turn to weep, but to weep for joy.
Because on her right hand she was carrying a child, on her left hand she was carrying a child.
Because you are here tonight, in the Name of the All sufficient God, you will never weep again. Amen
He is more than sufficient to promote.
Thank You Father.
Daddy says there is someone here tonight, He says you will understand, He said, I should tell you, you will win convincingly.
In Psalm 75 verse 6 to 7, the Bible says promotion comes not from the East or from the West, it doesn't come from the South, promotions come from God.
And then, in 1Samuel chapter 2 verse 7 to 8, the Bible says 'God can pick up a beggar form the dunghill, and set him among princes'.
I thank God for the testimony of my son, who dropped out of school in class two, and today he is a Governor.
I prophesy to someone here today, no matter how critical your situation may be, in the Name of all sufficient God, you will reach the top.
I can give you testimonies, but don't let us waist time because will have a lot of prayer to do.
As you have already heard, He is able to save to the uttermost.
1John chapter 1 verse 7 says, 'the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin'
He took Apostle Paul, the Chief of sinners, (according to 1Timothy chapter 1 verse 15), and turned him to the Chiefest Apostle, (according to 2Corithians 11 verse 5).
He can pick the worst of a sinner and turn him to one of the greatest apostles.
I am believing God for someone here tonight, someone who never thinks he or she could be a vessel unto honour in God's hands, before you die, the world will know you with Christ.
Oh thank You Lord! May be I should say amen to this one before I tell you.
The Lord says there is someone here tonight, the Lord said I will give you a mighty testimony too.
I want to get out of the way, so that He can do the rest that He wanted to do.
But the Lord says I should tell someone here, He said the pain in the neck of your family, will be gone before the end of next week.
Now He asks me to tell you, it is as a result of prayer you prayed yesterday, and so when it happens...
Ok. He asks me to tell you a story, so that I won't have to tell you, you will be able to put two and two together.
Several years ago, one of my sons was promoted, they gave him beautiful recommendations, and for no other reason at all, not query, nothing, and they sacked him in his place of work.
And he came to the Holy Ghost Service, and God spoke through me and said, that there is someone here, someone close to you is going to die, He said don't be sorry at all.
Well! Nobody knew who.
The following week, the young man lost his father, before the father died, he confessed. That he is the one responsible for the sacking of the boy, because he was making too rapid a progress.
Those of you who were here yesterday will pray some serious prayers.
And the Lord is saying I should tell someone, the pain in the neck of your family will be gone before next weekend.
Hmmm! Thank You Lord!
Again, Daddy says because of the prayer you prayed yesterday, that there is someone here tonight, He said I should tell you, the danger is passed - You can come out of hiding now.
Oh! Amen and amen
Daddy says there is someone here tonight, He said beginning from now, all your projects will experience comprehensive and inclusive progress.
Haa! I think this one is specially for me.
Daddy says there is someone here tonight, He said when My glory begins to shine in your life, and it will dazzle those who are expecting your shame.
I am not going to make another altar call, because my son have already done and I believe those of you who want to give your life Christ you have already done so.
If you didn't do so, in your own interest, before you leave here tonight, surrender your life to Jesus.
I want to move on to what God want us to do next.
I was reading my Bible, in the book of Revelation, and again and again and again, I keep reading about the seven Spirits of God - seven Spirits of God.
So I turn to God, in the middle of the night.
I said Daddy, You have never explain this one to me.
There is only one Holy Spirit. Why do we have seven Spirits of God, seven Spirits of God?
And He said to me, My son, on special occasions, the Holy Spirit can divide himself into three or seven or seventy.
Ooooh! I said I understand.
But why are You drawing my attention to this at this particular time!
He said because on Friday, the 7th of August, at Redemption camp, it will be a special occasion and the Holy Spirit will divide Himself into seven.
I want to encourage you, don't be lazy tonight, because you are going to pray seven serious prayers.
I will tell them one by one.
And He asked me to prepare seven flags.
Each one for the Holy Spirit.
Where is this boy?
I am going to raise up the flags one at a time.
When I raise up the first one, I will tell you what to pray, and you will pray if for five minutes.
Then I will come and raise up the second and I will tell you what to pray about.
And on and on till will get to the seven.
I assure you in the name of the Almighty you will never never never forget tonight.
Some of the things you are going to pray about will be big.
Don't be afraid. I told you yesterday 'don't be afraid'.
Fear is the opposite of faith.
Tonight we are not going to ask for small things. When you hear the prayer points, just go ahead and pray them.
When the results begin to come, you will remember tonight and glorify God.
Ok. Ehem, I think I will use this one as the first one.
I hope... take it to the very back. ...we don't want to block the sight of...
And if you are seating where you can't see, you are free to come and stand where you can see. Or they will help us show it on the screen.
The first prayer that we are going to pray for five minutes only is a prayer of thanksgiving.
Please focus on the flag, forget me, they can hear me, they want to see the flag.
Put this thing on the screen!
Is that the best you can do? That is the best?
Move the camera back, so you can see this thing accurately. I urge those of you in front - capture the whole flag. Please.
Thank you. Alright.
Now, while I was praying, the Lord says we are guilty of ingratitude.
That we have not thanked Him enough for what He had done in the past.
So, before we begin to ask for big things, first five minute,just thank God.And that should be easy for you to do. But do it with all you heart - With all your heart.
Remember you are thanking the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the All Sufficient God.
Thank Him.
In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed.
Now those of you who are very old, who can't stand, you can sit down no problem.
But if you are young, stand or knee: this is a very serious period.
The All Sufficient God can not only heal, He can make whole, but He can go a step further - He can give you the gift of healing. That is flag number two.
I am sure you will love when you touch the sick they will recover. That is a gift that God want give you tonight.
For five minutes, lift your voice to the Almighty God.
Father, give me the gift of healings.
Go ahead talk to the Almighty God.
It is done in Jesus' mighty name.
One of the surest ways of becoming a world figure is by winning souls to Christ.
Peter was an ordinary fisherman, the world knows him today. God want you to be world known.
That brings us to flag number three.
Please pray this prayer; it will change your destiny.
Say, Father, before I die, let me win millions of souls into Your kingdom.
Go ahead pray the prayer.
In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed.
It easy for God to make you one of the richest people on earth and the condition is simple.
God says 'if you do mine, I will do yours'.
That brings us to flag number four.
I know I won't beg you to pray this one. I know you will pray this one.
Pray it as if you mean it. Pray it as if you expect the answer to come.
Lift your voice to the Almighty God, and say, Father, if you need only three divine treasurers, let me be one - let me be one of them.
Go ahead talk to God.
So shall it be in Jesus name