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The Redeemed Christian Church of God Philippines II

RCCG Philippines
RCCG Philippines


“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.” Psalms 46:1-5. As the new year 2020 appeared with a special smile upon mankind, God messages known as prophecies were delivered to us through our Father in - the- Lord, Pastor E.A. Adeboye- The General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. The messages sounded like a chaotic situation in the passage quoted above. But there is always a RIVER for everyone who belongs to God. God will always make Himself available to rescue them. And we are highly encouraged to hear from God during the declarations of the prophecies that He would answer prayers this year. God knows we are wise children: we will allow him to fight on our behalf this year. That is why he promised us victory upon victory throughout this Century. Therefore, we will permit the River of life to flow in His own way by swimming in the streams of prayers for fifty days. God will definitely help us, and He will deliver us on time.


On a daily basis brethren are to spend time in worship, praises with thanksgiving, pray for mercy, then on topical issues of holiness, obedience, 2020 prophesies, the church and readiness for the rapture, peace in our nation and peculiar current and recurring issues.



TEXT: Psa 116. Praise is an expression of respect and gratitude. It is an act of worship. given praise to God, it can be by singing or joyful noise from gladness of heart. Psa 100:1 Our God, we praise you because you are gracious God in Jesus name. Psa. 116

1. Our father in heaven, we praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30

2. Lord we praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Psa 145:8-9

3. We praise you for you are a merciful God in the name of Jesus. 2Sam 24:14.

4. Lord I praise you for your grace that saved us in the name of Jesus. Eph. 2:8 5. We praise you for creating us in Christ Jesus unto good works in Jesus name. Eph.2:10

6. We praise you the only one that forgives sin in Jesus name. Psa 103:3

7. We praise you the redeemer of life in the name of Jesus. Psa. 103:4

8. We praise you Lord for you are great in Jesus name Psa 104:1

9. God the father, we bless your name because you are wise and powerful, we will praise you forever and ever in Jesus name. Dan 2:20.

10. Almighty father God, we will sing and praise you for you are the only one who can rescue the oppressed from the power of evil in the name of Jesus Jer. 20:3

11. Thank you, Lord, for how great you are, we will proclaim and tell of the wonderful things you have done in the name of Jesus Psa 75:1

12. Thank you for your glory and might power that cannot be surmounted in the name of Jesus 1Chro 16:28

13. Let us praise God for his glorious grace, for the free gift He gives us in his dear son Jesus Christ Eph 1:6

14. Lord God, we thank you for your salvation, we will sing to you and proclaim your loving kindness day after day in the name of Jesus 1Chro 6:23

Sunday 12th Jan 2020


TEXT: Psa 31:19: The Church is the group of people that are redeemed by the blood of Jesus, the believers in Jesus Christ, the representative of Jesus upon this earth.

1. Father we thank you for the Church and the gathering of your Saints in the name of Jesus.

2. Thank you Lord, because the Church is still standing, and the gate has no power to prevail over her. Matt 16:18

3. Thank you Lord, for given the Church the keys of David, that whenever we decree a thing it comes to pass in Jesus name. Matt 16:19 , Isa 22:22

4. Lord, we thank you for the open doors you’ve given unto Church to expand all over the world in Jesus name. Acts 16:5.

5. Gracious God, we thank you for your overflowing generosity to your Church Deut. 28:6

6. Lord we thank you for how you’ve been using your Church to put joy in the life of many through evangelism. 2 Cor. 4:15

7. Thank you Lord, for your peace despite the challenges your Church has been facing with. Jn. 14:2, Col. 3:15, Ezek. 37:26,

8. Thank you Lord, for the victory you always give to your Church without a fight. 1Cor.15:57

9. Thank you for your faithfulness over the Church that is new every morning. Lam 3:23

10. Thank you Lord, for keeping the Church alert and watching in prayer in the name of Jesus Col. 4:2

11. Father God thank you for the revival in the Church in the name of Jesus Psa 85:6

Monday 13th Jan 2020


TEXT: Psa 32: We are encouraged to always pray for our leaders.

1. Father God we thank you for Daddy G.O., the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God and Mummy G.O. in Jesus name Psa.34:1-3

2. Oh Lord, we thank you for your protection over them Isa.41:10

3. Lord, thank you because you are fighting every battle of their lives. Exo.14:14 4. Lord God almighty, we thank you for giving them victory in every area of their life. 1Jn 5:6

5. Gracious Lord, we thank you for prospering your work in their hands Psa 68, 118:19

6. Father Lord, thank you because you will complete the work you have started in their lives in Jesus name Phi 1:6

7. Thank you Lord, for answering their prayers and may you continue to always answer their prayers in Jesus name I Kgs 8:28

8. Father Lord, we thank you that all you have released into their hands will never be taken away by the enemies and they will end strong in the name of Jesus. John 6:37

9. Thank you for choosing them, please continue to be their God in the name of Jesus. Psa 33:12

10. Lord, we thank you for long life and prosperity for daddy and mummy G.O, in Jesus name. Psa 91:16

Tuesday 14th Jan 2020


1. Thank you Lord, for the salvation of my soul.

2. Thank you father, for the miracle of sleeping and waking every day. Psa 35:23

3. Thank you Lord, for I am wonderfully and fearfully made. Psa 139:14

4. Thank you Lord, for making all the members of my family for your signs and wonders. Isa 8:18

5. Father, I thank you because I will not die but live to declare the works of your hands in my Country (name your country) and all over the world in Jesus name. Psa 118:17

6. Father, I thank you for keeping every member of my family alive in Jesus name. Eccl 9:4

7. Father I thank you for divine protection and provision, in Jesus name. Gen 47:12

8. Father I thank you for divine visitation, in Jesus name. Job 10:12 9. Father I thank you for divine healing, in Jesus name. Job 10:12

10. Father, I thank you for divine connection, in Jesus name.

11. Father, I thank you for delivering me from the hands of devourers in Jesus name. Mal 3:11

12. Father, I thank you for always granting me and my family journey mercies, in Jesus name. Psa 121: 8

13. Thank you because of your mercies and love towards me and my family in Jesus name Psa 138:1-2

14. Thank you because I know you will open unto me the gate of your abundance, I will enter and continue to give you thanks Psa 118:19, 68:19

15. Thank you for giving me overflowing blessing and anointing my head with oil Psa 23:5

Wednesday 15th Jan 2020

DAY 5: PRAYER FOR MERCY, TEXT: 2 Chron 7:14, Psa 51

1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1

2. Thank God for another brand-new day.

3. Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly, it has been of the LORD'S mercies that we were not consumed; his compassions have never failed Lam 3:22, Psa 34:

4. Praise the One who gives hope to the hopeless. Lam. 3:21

5. Father, let me and my family continually live in your mercy in Jesus name. Lam.3:22.

6. Father, in your mercy, forgives me all the sins and errors I have committed when I was struggling to become somebody in life in Jesus name. Psa 130:4

7. Father, in your mercy removes every reproach in my life and family in the name of Jesus. Lam. 3:29-32 Father, in your mercy take away grief, sorrow and all such from my life and family in Jesus name. Lam.3:35-36

8. Father, by your mercies reverse every irreversible in my life in Jesus name. Lam.3:35

9. Father, search and try our ways and turn our heart again back to you in the name of Jesus. Lam. 3:40

10. Father, in your mercy, deliver me and my family from any form of satanic oppression in Jesus name. Psa 18:50

Thursday 16th Jan 2020


CHILDREN OF GOD. TEXT: Isa 9:2. Prophecy is a message inspired by God. At the beginning of this year 2020, God gave us prophecy through our Daddy, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God: for individual, the Church and the Nations. Now for all children of God at large, and for the RCCG members, this is going to be a year of series of joy, series of victory. It is the year of series of battles that our enemies will lose.

1. Let us thank God for the spirit of true prophecy in RCCG

2. Reflecting over the past events in our lives, Let us thank God for the fulfillments of past prophecies.

3. God says for every individual in RCCG, this is going to be a year of series of joy, series of victory, thank God for the victory ahead.

4. However Daddy GO warned, there is no victory without a fight. Pray that for every RCCG member, we will not fear the battle for the Lord will truly be our light and our salvation. Psa 27:1

5. Father; grant us boldness to confront any giant that may rise against us. 1 Sam 17, 35-36

6. Father: grant us boldness to stand firm in faith against treat of any unseen enemies. Pro 28:1

7. Since the battle is not ours, let us pray for the spirit of effective prayers and intercessions. Psa 50:15

8. Pray for all RCCG members to receive power to live holy and be obedient dwelling in the secret place of the Most High. Psa 91:1

9. Daddy says, there will be shout of joy this year; Let us pray for Joy to replace sorrow in all our tabernacles. Psa 118:17

10. Father; in times of storm, let us always remember and hold on to your promises of help in time of trouble Psa 50:1

11. Father; whenever storm arises, let us always remember that the battle is the Lord’s. 2 Chr 20:15

12. Father, give us the anointing and boldness of David to confront every Goliath on our way throughout year 2020 and beyond, in Jesus name.

13. Father; help me in my devotion, to draw nearer unto you day after day in Jesus name

14. Father; no matter the storms that may come my way, give me strength never to faint in time of adversity.

15. Father; we thank you because you always hear our prayers every time we call upon your name.

Friday 17th Jan 2020


SCENE. “This year unless we pray very hard”, the prophecy declares, “the earth is going to behave like a child that is having convulsion. Earthquakes and volcanoes that have been dormant for years will erupt; the reason is due to SIN. SIN is becoming more rampant. There will also be change of government all over the world, some of the changes will be peaceful, and some will not.”

1. Let us begin to pray against impeding natural disasters.

2. No doubt sin has become order of the day and even institutionalized in many nations. Father let there be turnaround from wickedness unto righteousness in nations in Jesus name Psa 7:9

3. Father let the light of salvation shine brightest thorough the preaching of the gospel Isa 9:2

4. Father; turns the heart of men and women away from evil to embrace gooddeeds in righteousness. Acts 10:38

5. Read Acts 2: 17-21. The scriptures is being fulfilled in our time; let’s pray the father of mercy, to save His children from the scourge of these convulsions

6. In the midst of this coming darkness; God is ever faithful to answer whenever we call on Him. Let's pray that faith will be alive in men to call upon God in trouble. Psa 50:15

7. These are perilous time; let's pray that God will distinguish his children distinctly to proof His wonder to the dying world in Jesus name. Mal 3:18

8. Father. In the midst of darkness, let your light shines brighter for deliverance of those in darkness to relocate into thy marvelous light 1 Pet 2:9

9. The gods of Baal failed in the day of need. Father let the power of false gods begin to fail their followers in all nations 1 Kings 18:28-29

10. We are required to pray hard, to avert unpleasant situation. Father revive the PRAYER live of your church to stand in gap in order to save the dying world Luk 18;1

11. Father, hear us whenever we call. Joh 14:14

12. Father, You are the Desire of all nation, in your shaken let wickedness and all forms of ungodliness be uprooted. Hag. 2:5-7

13. Father, Open the eyes of saints to see the futility of the prosperity of the wicked. Don't let their feet slip away. Psa 73:17

Saturday 18th Jan 2020


1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa103:1

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. Father, let the spirit of the fear of God come upon your Church worldwide in Jesus name. Job 28:28

4. Father, acquaints your Church with the knowledge of your judgments inJesus name. Psa. 19:9

5. Father, lead your Church in the path of righteousness in the name of Jesus. Psa 19:9

6. Father, plant your word in the heart of all our brethren in RCCG worldwide inJesus name. Psa 19:8

7. Father, give us the grace to embrace wisdom & divine instruction in the name of Jesus. Prov.1:7

8. Father, grant unto your Church wisdom and understanding of your word in Jesus name. Prov.8:1

9. Father, grant your Church strong confidence in Jesus name. Prov. 14:26-27

10. Father, help your Church to walk in your ways in Jesus name. Deut.10:12

11. Father, the grace for your Church to serve you in spirit and truth let it be released in Jesus name. Deut.10:12

12. Father, grant us victories over all the enemies of progress in your Church in Jesus name. Josh.4:24

13. Father, forgive your Church in any way we have sin against you in Jesus name. Psa 130:4

14. Father, redeemed our soul from all our iniquities and clean our heart in Jesus name. Psa 130:8

15. Father, create a new heart in us and renew your right Spirit within us, Psa 51:10

Sunday 19th Jan 2020


1. Father, we thank you for the great vision You have given to our fathers of faith in RCCG.

2. Father; we are grateful for the foresight and the guidance to locate and acquire land at Kilometer 46 lagos-Ibadan express way

3. Father we thank You for programmes and Evangelical activities that are initiated and operating on the camp ground since inception.

4. Father, we thank You for progress in the works of the auditoriums hosting the monthly Holy Ghost Services from the first, second, third and now to 3x3 Km.

5. Father; we thank you for the vessels used in providing resources for the development of the camp infrastructures

6. Father we thank you for exponential growth these steps have brought to RCCG

7. Father; we thank You for as many that have legally acquired land and invested in properties in the camp.

8. Father; we thank You that we are going higher day by day, growing bigger every day and the camp becoming a beautiful place to dwell in.

9. Now Father; whosoever has illegality decided to hinder your plan by forcefully taking lands which You have purchased for yourself; we commit them into your hands.

10. Father; we know it is impossible for any man to successfully steal from You, Please in Your own way, restore back into your Church what the enemy has stolen.

11. Father; Give those who are behind these plots a repentant heart with willingness and power to restitute their ways

12. Dear heavenly Father; save us from any acts that will lead us to hell, no matter the earthly gain involved.

Monday 20th Jan 2020


TEXT: Prov 29:16. According to the prophecy, we are witnesses of the reality of Nations rising up against nations, troubles and killings in almost all the Continents of the world. In the midst of these turbulences, we need to pray for those in authority to walk in the fear God and do His will.

1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. We confess and repent of all the sins of (Put your country) and leaders. 2 Chro 7:14

4. Father, we pray for your peace to reign in all our Nations, all over the world, in Jesus name.

5. Father, let those who cause conflicts all over the world repent and seeks peace, in Jesus name. 1 Tim 2:2.

6. Father please raise peace loving people and nations to work against conflicts, aggressions in the world , in Jesus name.

7. Father; clothe our leaders in all nations with your fear and wisdom in Jesus’ name. Prov 15:33, 9:10

8. Father; deliver all our leaders from every form of deafness and blindness in Jesus’ name. Matt 15:14

9. Father; please uproot every plant you have not planted in (Put your country) in Jesus’ name. Matt 15:13

10. Father, introduce yourself to our leaders as the one that rules in the affairs of men and let them bow before you as Nebuchadnezzar did in Jesus’ name. Dan 4:36-37

11. Father, deliver our leaders from committing abominable acts so that (Put your country) will be established in righteousness. Prov 16:12

12. We declare that Jesus is Lord over (Put your country) in Jesus’ name.

13. Father, raise Godly leaders like David, Samuel, Joseph and Daniel for us in (Put your country) to manage our resources and revive our economy in Jesus’ name.

Tuesday 21st Jan 2020


TEXT: Jer 10:24, Psa 38:1

1. Praise and worship God for Who He is. Isa 44:6

2. Let us thank God for His marvelous works on the earth. Psa 40:5

3. Let us thank God for His mercy and goodness in our life and family. Psa 23:6

4. Let us thank God for His goodness and mercy in His church. Psa 23:6

5. Let us thank God for the Bible, the written word of God which is the manual for our soul. 2Tim 3:15-17

6. Let us thank God for divine guidelines and instructions for our well-being which are contained in the bible for us to obey. 2Tim 2:16

7. Father, be merciful unto us for all our acts of disobedience

8. Father, please give us a willing heart to obey your command to go and win souls

9. Father, teach us to number our days so that we may rightly apply our heart to your wisdom. Psa 90:12

10. Father, do not give up on us, but deal with us according to your mercy and compassion. Jer 10:24

11. Father, direct our paths to fulfill your counsel so that we can eat the goods of this land(Put your country). Isa 1:19

12. Father, please speak to us in the language we can always understand so that we can know exactly what you want us to do.

13. Father, guide our heart right, to discern the voice of strangers and not to obey them. John 10: 3-5

Wednesday 22nd Jan 2020


1. Father we thank you for the great and mighty works that have been wrought over the years through the preaching of the gospel on all RCCG Altars globally.

2. Father we thank you for answers to our prayers on the altar whenever we call

3. We thank you father, for your promise in the prophesy that “This year, You will answer our prayers”

4. We ask for your mercy Oh Lord where we have desecrated your Altar through our careless, sinful habits. Heb 4;16

5. Father; Many wolves in sheep clothing has crept into the fold, please father expose them in Jesus name Jud 1:4

6. Expose and dispose as many Hirelings and wolves who are still ministering on your Altars in RCCG this year. Joh 10;12

7. Father; these are agents of the devil against church growth mandate, please uproot them and their supporters, no matter how connected they may be.

8. Many members have been injured in one way or the other, Father please heals the wounds of the wounded among us.

9. Father; some has even left, please bring them back to the fold so that they will not go astray and fall into strange hands.

10. Father; many are in RCCG for their self gain, with the mission to steal from the Altar, as You did in Jerusalem, come and sanitize our sanctuary. Joh 2:15

11. Father; let there be manifestations of signs and wonders in our Parishes all over so that many will believe and be saved.

12. Father; please encourage all our members who have been discouraged through the activities of the hireling ministers.

13. Father, give such ministers who are stealing from the Altar a second chance for them to repent of their sins and come to You in penitence

14. Father; because You have promise to answer all our prayers, Please make RCCG House of Prayers. Inspire us to pray more this year,

Thursday 23rd Jan 2020

DAY 13: Fulfillment of Prophesies 3: RAPTURE, Text, 1 Thes 4;16

1. Father; we thank you for the hope we have in You through the promise of your return to take us home. 1 Thes 4;13

2. Father; we thank you for your faithfulness in reminding us from time to time of your imminent second coming

3. Father; please help our Pastors to be sensitive in the spirit about end time signals and prepare their members in readiness to meet with the Lord at His coming. 1 Thes 4;18

4. There are many (Scoffers) who think Jesus is not coming again 2 Pet 3:3 Father please give them a repentant heart in Jesus name.

5. Father: Revive us, to be wise children in keeping our lamp burning for you all day long. Matt 25:4

6. Father; some are wearied, their oil is going out, please revive their fainting heart to renew their oil in the Holy Ghost before it is too late. Matt 25:5, 8

7. Father; remove the passion for worldliness and destroy the yoke of carnality in the life of all your children globally . 1 Joh 2:15

8. Father: let your desire of not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, inspire more aggressive evangelism for greater soul harvest in all our churches this year in Jesus name. 2 Pet 3:9

9. Father; break the yoke of ignorance in many, about the timing of the end-time events and promises. 2 Pet 3:8

10. Father; deliver your children from sleeping the sleep of death concerning the rapture. Psa 13:3

11. Father; by your mercy and grace, deliver us all from the spirit of error, and spirit of poor finishing that will hinder us from reigning with You 1 Joh 4:6

12. Judas and Peter were among the twelve, they both made mistakes but peter received mercy. Father; be merciful unto as many of us who hope on your mercy this year Luk 22:31-32

13. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, Father; instill your fear in our hearts. Psa 111:10

14. Father Remember your promise to fulfill what you have said that you will meet RCCG standing in faith on your return

Friday 24th Jan 2020


TEXT: Acts 1:8, Psa 86:1, Luke 10:2 The Church of God is a living entity. Where there is no growth, then somebody must have left-the HOLY SPIRIT

1. Praise and worship our God for Who He is. Isa 44:6

2. Praise and worship our God for the creation power of heavens, the earth and everything therein. Psa 148:5

3. Let us praise God for His marvelous works on the earth. Psa 40:5

4. Let us thank God for His mercy and goodness in our life and family. Psa 23:6

5. Let us thank God for His goodness and mercy in His Church. Psa 23:6

6. Father, visit all our parishes having growth challenges and revive them in Jesus name.

7. Father, we ask for resuscitation of closed down Parishes in all nations of the world by the power of resurrection of Jesus.

8. When the Apostles dedicated themselves to ministry of prayers and the word, the Church grew, O Lord, let our ministers have this same mind in the pursuit of church growth in Jesus name.

9. Father, we need the power of your Holy Spirit more than the days of Pentecost for effective witnessing. Please send down the power Acts 1:8

10. Father, raise more labourers for this end time harvest in Jesus name, Luk 10:2

11. Father, give to our church leaders’ guidance and wisdom for effective strategies in handling issues of church planting in Jesus name

12. Father, always answer us every time we look up to You in expectations concerning your church and your people. Acts 1:10, Psa 121:1

13. Father, grant that your ministers the will and grace to work together in love in order to overcome the enemy of the church. Acts 1:14

14. Arise Oh Lord and let the enemies of church growth be scattered in Jesus name. Psa 68:1

15. Father disgrace and frustrate every power that will not allow your Church to fulfill your mandate in Jesus Name. Job 5:12

Saturday 25th Jan 2020


Joe2:25. God is ever ready to answer prayers and act in our favour, whenever we call upon His name. He has all the power to restore all that we have lost.

1. Praise and worship our God for Who He is. Isa 44:6

2. Praise and worship our God for the creation power of heavens, the earth and everything therein. Psa 148:5

3. Let us praise God for His marvelous works on the earth. Psa 40:5

4. Let us thank God for His mercy and goodness in our life and family. Psa 23:6

5. Let us thank God for His goodness and mercy in His church. Psa 23:6

6. Let us begin to confess our sins and carelessness, that gave the enemies opportunities to sow tares and steal from us Matt 13:25

7. Let us approach the throne of grace and ask God for mercy. He will abundantly pardon us. Jer 10:24, Heb 4:16

8. Read Gen 20:2: Ask God to be merciful unto you for past seemingly good decisions and actions but which has now kept you or your valuables in bondage.

9. Ask God never to cease to always rebuke and correct you in love until He makes a master piece of your life. Jer 10:24

10. Let us see our picture in the mirror of the scripture, and recount what we have lost as individual and family. Many have lost health, peace, joy, fruitfulness wealth, Ask God for all round restorations Matt 13:25, Joel 2:25

11. Read Gen 20:7. Ask God to open your eyes to things in your possession, which you must restore to the rightful owners for your own restoration to be established.

12. Read Jos 7:1 Thank God for mercy in sparing your life despite your carelessness and ignorance in harbouring spiritual contrabands (accursed objects), Jos 22:20

13. Pray for the grace of obedience for restitution and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Gen 20:14.

14. God caused Abraham to regain Sarah in addition to other goods, Pray earnestly for divine restoration for every treasures and virtues you had once lost Gen 20:14.

15. Father terrorize, any strongman harboring things that are rightly belong to me to restore them now Job 20:15, Gen 20:3

Sunday 26th Jan 2020

DAY 16: GODLY VISION, TEXT: Prov 20:18, 1Sam 3:1-15. Godly vision is a divine experience of a supernatural appearance, seen in a dream, a trance or by inspiration that usually conveys deeper revelations.

1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the gift of godly visions in this generation and especially to the church of God.

4. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy that is new every morning, and giving me the opportunity to be alive.

5. Father in the name of Jesus, please give me a vision of divine security and reward as you did in time past. Gen 15:1

6. In the name of Jesus, father speaks to me in a vision concerning your good plans for my life now or in the future. Gen 46:2-3.

7. Father makes Yourself known to member, worker, and ministers in RCCG in a language they will understand. Num 12:6

8. Father in the name of Jesus, please open my ears to hear your words and to know the knowledge of the most High God. Num 24:16.

9. Father in this generation, let there be open vision like the days of Samuel. 1Sam 3:1-10

10. Father in the name of Jesus, just like as of old, give us the vision of restoration, establishment of thy kingdom, and thy throne in my nation (Put your country).

11. Father in the name of Jesus as I continue to seek you, give me understanding of your visions. 2Chro 26:5.

12. Father in the name of Jesus in the vision of the night, open my ears, fill and secure thine instructions for the future, Job 33:15-16.

13. Father in the name of Jesus, raise a new generation that will hear, and receive visions of your plan for mankind. Joe 2:28, Eze 39:29, Isa 32:15

14. Father arise and frustrate every operation of vision eraser in my life in Jesus name. Isa 6:1

Monday 27th Jan 2020

DAY 17: PRAY FOR THE YOUTHS, TEXT: 1Tim 4:12, Psa 119:9, Isa 40:29-31.

Youth is the part of life following childhood, and the period of existence preceding maturity, the whole early part of life from childhood or infancy to adulthood. The devil is on rampage to destroy the lives of these young ones, the church needs to arise and cry to God for their liberation and restoration.

1. Father; thank you for all the youths in the nations of the world, and in the RCCG especially.

2. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy over all the youths in the RCCG, and in my nation.

3. Father in the name of Jesus, deliver the youths from evil imagination, Jer 3:17.

4. Father in the name of Jesus, equip all our youths for positive and progressive assignment. Eph 6:11-13

5. Father in the name of Jesus, put the fear of the Lord in the heart of all our youths and make them as bold as a Lion. Prov.28:1, 1Ki 18:12b

6. Father in the name of Jesus, deliver the youth from sudden death Psa 89:45, Job 36:14.

7. Father in the name of Jesus, remember not the sins of our youth, nor our transgressions. Psa 25:7

8. Father in the name of Jesus, guide all our youths from their mother’s womb. Job 31:18, Jer 3:4.

9. Father in the name of Jesus, teach our youths your ways from their youth. Psa 71:17

10. Father in the name of Jesus, satisfy the mouth of the youths with good things, and renew them like the eagles. Psa 103:5

11. Father in the name of Jesus, may the enemy of destiny never prevail over our youths. Psa 129:2

12. Father in the name of Jesus, make our youths as plants grown up, as corner- stones, polished after the similitude of a palace. Psa 144:12

13. Father in the name of Jesus, make all our youths not to forget your covenant. Prov. 2:17, Eze. 16:60

14. Father in the name of Jesus, terminate shame and foolishness from the life of all our youths. Isa. 54:4

15. Father in the name of Jesus, deliver our youths from the negative influence of social media.

Tuesday 28th Jan 2020

DAY 18: DRUG ABUSE AND ADDICTION-TEXT: 1Cor 6:12, Matt. 15:13, 2Tim. 1:7. Drug is a medicine or substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or introduced into the body. Drug addiction and abuse is a lethal weapon of the devil against the lives of mankind most especially the youths.

1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1

2. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for making your children free from every form of addiction.

3. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for all your provisions that is for our good.

4. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for your good plan, for all your creation. Jer. 29:11

5. Father in the name of Jesus, guide this generation on the good use of drugs, and to avoid dangerous and destructive drugs.

6. Father in the name of Jesus, deliver the world from drug addiction. 2Tim 4:18

7. Father in the name of Jesus, restore the original plan for man to be in health, and to prosper. 3Jn. 2.

8. Father in the name of Jesus, stop the spread of destructive habits, organized by the enemy against this generation, all over the world.

9. Father, in the name of Jesus, pull out our children from the trap of the enemies through drug addiction and abuse

10. Father, frustrate and disappoint the power sponsoring bad habit, or negative addiction against my life and destiny, in Jesus name.

11. Every spirit of limitation and destruction against my breakthrough, through drug addiction fail in the name of Jesus. Job 5:12

12. Every power of demotion targeted against my destiny through addiction you will not prosper in the name of Jesus. Psa 140:4

13. I command the thunder of God in the mighty name of Jesus to break to pieces all the satanic strongholds forcing men and women into drug addiction. Psa 11:6

14. Every evil habit programmed or transferred into my my Nation be dismantled in Jesus name. Eze 16:44

15. Father in the name of Jesus, break the bondage of drug addiction from the life of our children.

16. Father heal all that are suffering from drug addiction in all our nations. Psa 107:20

17. Oh Lord disappoint the devices of the crafty and let their hands not perform their enterprise in our Nations and destiny. Job5:12

18. Father as many who have lost self control because of drug addiction, restore unto them sound mind in Jesus name. 2Tim 1:7

Wednesday 29th Jan 2020

DAY 19: RCCG MISSIONS HOME AND ABROAD, TEXT: Matt. 16:18, Psa 127:1, Psa 121:4, Gen. 12:1-3. The Redeemed Christian Church of God is a fast-growing church in nations of the world. The growth was birthed by prayer and we must continue to pray for more increase and sustenance of this growth

1. Father thank you for establishing the RCCG as a covenant church 2.

Father thank you for the expansion of the RCCG since its establishment.

3. Father thank you for your mercies that is sufficient for RCCG.

4. Father in the name of Jesus, keep RCCG away from slumbering and sleeping. Psa 121:4

5. Father in the name of Jesus, build RCCG and do not permit the gate of hell to prevail over this great mission. Matt. 16:18

6. Father in the name of Jesus, keep the fire of the altar of RCCG mission burn. Lev. 6:12-13.

7. Father in the name of Jesus, make all members of the RCCG to be united and have and continue in one language. Gen. 11:6

8. Father in the name of Jesus, make RCCG a great mission and make your name great in RCCG. Gen. 12:1-3

9. Father in the name of Jesus, whatever that is dead in this mission, by the power of resurrection bring them back to life. 1Pet. 1:3, Phil. 3:10

10. Father in the name of Jesus, as RCCG mission praise you, add to the growth of the church daily. Acts 2:47

11. Father in the name of Jesus, terminate all the persecution against the RCCG mission all over the world. Acts 12:1:2

12. Father in the name of Jesus, continue to release your angels to support RCCG mission. Acts 12:5

13. Let the troublers of the RCCG be put to shame in Jesus name. 1Chro 2:7

Thursday 30th Jan 2020

DAY 20: PRAYER FOR MINISTERS OF GOD. TEXT: 1Pet 5:3, 1Tim 2:7, 1:7, Num 3:3 & 6, Exo 40:13 & 15. Every minister of God needs encouragement and support in the place of prayer, we should engage ourselves in this warfare for our ministers by holding our hands throughout the prayer section and cry in unity to God for our ministers. A minister should lead this section.

1. Father thank you for all the ministers of God in RCCG, all over the world and for your call over them.

2. Father thank you for your mercies towards all the ministers of God in RCCGall over the world. Rom 9:14 &15

3. Father in the name of Jesus, reveal yourself to all ministers in the RCCG all over the world on a daily basis for the divine assignment committed into their hands.

4. Father in the name of Jesus, just as you anointed Jesus Christ with the Holy Ghost and power for the divine assignment, anoint all ministers in RCCG to fulfill their divine assignment. Acts 10:38

5. Father in the name of Jesus, cover all the ministers with the blood of Jesus, and the fire of the Holy Ghost. Heb 12:29, Rev 12:11.

6. Father in the name of Jesus, make all ministers in the RCCG flames of fire to burn for you and consume all the distraction that has been planted to obstruct the work of God in their hands. Psa 104:4, Heb 1:7

7. Father in the name of Jesus makes all minister untouchable to the plan of the wicked one. Psa 105:15.

8. Father in the name of Jesus, let the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of God rest upon all the ministers. Isa 11:2

9. Father in the name of Jesus, put in all ministers the spirit of meekness. Num 12:3, 1Tim 6:11.

10. Father in the name of Jesus, deliver all ministers from satanic flood, weapons of the wicked, targeted against all ministers. Isa 54:17, Isa 59:19, 2 Tim 4:18

11. Father, renew and refresh, your ministers so that they can run away from whatsoever would not allow them to discharge their duties and responsibilities, in Jesus name. Eze 36:27

12. Father, every seed you have not planted into your church uproot in Jesus name. Matt 15:13.

13. Father, every ungodly power that has penetrated to the position of authority in the church expose and disgrace them and if they fail to repent, uproot them, in Jesus name. Matt 7:15

14. Father! Arise and frustrate every power of the enemies frustrating the efforts of our ministers in Jesus name.

15. Father send help and encourage all your ministers worldwide in Jesus name.

Friday 31st Jan 2020


1. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for watching over daddy G.O, mummy G.O and the family.

2. Father thank you for your mercy over the life of daddy, Mummy G.O. and the family.

3. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for blessing Daddy G.O and all that concerns him and the flocks he is overseeing. Gen 39:5

4. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the support of the Holy Ghost to daddy and mummy G.O. and their family. Acts 20:28

5. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for using daddy G.O. and Mummy G.O. to feed the church of God the word of life. Acts 20:28

6. Father build a wall of fire round about daddy, mummy G.O and the family. Zech 2:5

7. Father in the name of Jesus, disappoint every device of the wicked against daddy and mummy G.O and the family. Job 5:12, Psa 7:10, Psa 59:9

8. Father in the name of Jesus send help to your son Daddy G.O and the family Isa 50:7.

9. Father in the name of Jesus, please continue to defend daddy and mummy G.O and their family. Job 22:25

10. Father in the name of Jesus, increase your wisdom in the life of daddy and mummy G.O and the family and bless them with abundant life. Eph 3:20

11. Father in the name of Jesus, reign over daddy and mummy G.O and the family Psa 47:8

Saturday 1st February 2020

DAY 22: GOVERNING COUNCIL, ELDERS IN RCCG, TEXT: Exo 24:1, 9&14, 1Tim 5:7. These elders have various responsibilities as shepherds, pastors, model, teach, lead etc. We need to stand in the gap for them to succeed in these roles.

1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for all the elders you raised and appointed into leadership position in RCCG.

4. Father in the name of Jesus, sanctify all the elders, make their whole spirit and soul and body preserved and blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1Thes 5:23

5. Father in the name of Jesus, help all the elders to be godly examples as Jesus Christ our Lord in Jesus name.

6. Father, surround Daddy GO and Mummy GO with godly and matured elders and ministers with fear of God in Jesus name.

7. Pray for all our elders at all levels of the church. None of them will be starved ofgodly, wise and matured counsel in their assignment in Jesus name.

Sunday 2nd February 2020

DAY 23: PRAYERS FOR RCCG PASTORS. TEXT: Jer 3:15, Isa 44:28, Jer 23:4. Pastors have the responsibility to shepherd the flock of God under them. Make disciples of all nation.

1. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for all the pastors in RCCG for your call over their lives and their ministry

2. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercies that is new every morning for all pastors in RCCG. Lam 3:23

3. Father in the name of Jesus, strengthen all pastors in RCCG to keep watch over their flocks. Luk 2:8

4. Father in the name of Jesus, make your plan for RCCG known to the pastors

5. Father in the name of Jesus, use all RCCG pastors as instruments of deliverance. Joel 2:32, Amos 3:12, Eze 34:10

6. Father in the name of Jesus, give RCCG pastors burden for soul winning and flocks under them especially the lost sheep. Jer 50:6

7. Father in the name of Jesus, anoint all RCCG pastors with your grace and mercy to gather your flocks. Jer 31:10

8. Father in the name of Jesus, give RCCG pastors the heart to feed the flock with knowledge and understanding

9. Father in the name of Jesus, raise RCCG pastors that will stand for the gospel of Christ till the end in RCCG

10. Father let every satanic altar erected against your pastors and church be demolished by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Num 23:1-2.

11. Father arise, encourage and heal all discouraged, wounded and backslidden ministers and pastors to continue strong in Jesus name, 1Sam 30:1-18

12. Father empower the Pastors to preach the word of God without diluting it in Jesus name. 2Tim. 4:2

13. Father give our pastors boldness to stand as correctors to the flock with the word of God. 2Tim. 3:16-17.

14. Father, help your Pastors to focus on the mandate of soul winning that no day will pass-by without winning souls in the name of Jesus Joh 15:16

Monday 3rd February 2020


TEXT: 2 Cor. 11:26, Rom 15:24, Acts 13:1-28, Acts 14:1-20, Acts 15:36, Acts 18:22-23, Acts 21:16

1. A minister is a person authorized by the church to perform duties and a missionary is a person sent on a religious mission to promote Christianity in a foreign land or country

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the missionaries in RCCG, national and international fields

4. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for showing all the missionaries your mercy

5. Father, we thank you for all your missionaries who left their families and countries to dangerous parts of the world to preach boldly the message of salvation to perishing souls, Mat 28:19-20, Mat 4:19

6. Father in the name of Jesus, please protect all missionaries and families from the strong man in every mission field. Luke 11:22-23

7. Father in the name of Jesus, make all missionaries to be righteous and bold. Prov 28:1

8. Father in the name of Jesus, preserve all missionaries from evil attacks of the enemy. Psa 121:7

9. Father in the name of Jesus, as many challenges and hardship faced by missionaries in the mission field make them to conquer all their challenges. Rom 8:37

10. Father in the name of Jesus, the sacrifice made by missionaries leaving all to do your work may it not be in vain. Mark 10:29, Matt 19:29

11. Father in the name of Jesus, put down all barriers standing against missionary work all over the world

12. Father in the name of Jesus, give to the missionaries the keys to open physical and spiritual gates to take over the world for Christ. Rev 3:7-8, Psa 24:7-10

13. Father, we thank you for urgent interventions with which you deliver your missionaries in times of persecution and peril, inJesus name. Acts 12:8

14. Father give your church the heart of fervent and persistent prayer, in Jesus name. Acts 12:5

Tuesday 4th February 2020

DAY 25: HARVEST OF GLORY: TEXT: 2Chro. 4:9-10, 2 Tim 4:8, Luke 10:19. Glory is the opposite of shame. This is a season of glory. In 2 Chro. 4:9-10, Jabez prayed his way into glory and there was a turnaround.

1. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the holy ghost power that is manifesting in our time

2. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy that has released harvest of glory

3. Father in the name of Jesus, the power that crown Joseph with glory and extend it to the children of Israel, appear and restore my glory and make me a deliverer.

4. By the power in the name of Jesus, every prison where the glory of the children of God have been locked, break and release them in Jesus name. Acts 16:25&26

5. Father in the name of Jesus, any power that wants to bury the glory of this generation, let them be disgraced in Jesus name.

6. Father by the call of Joseph, the nation of Israel was established; let your call for my life bring about the harvest of souls.

7. Father in the name of Jesus lead this generation to their promised land of glory.

8. Father in the name of Jesus restore the glory of my nation (Put your country) through soul winning.

9. Every satanic hand manipulating my glory, wither by fire, in Jesus name.

10. All anti-glory forces lose their hold upon my life in Jesus’ name.

11. Every power gathered against my glory, wherever you are, whoever you are, perish by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.

12. Anti-shining powers in my environment, be destroyed, in Jesus name.

13. All the glory that I carry will not turn to shame in Jesus’ name

Wednesday 5th February 2020


TEXT: Luke 18:1. 1 Thes 5:17. The Prayer ministry is said to be the engine of the gospel mission, it is key in fulfilling the divine mandate of RCCG mission. Prayer is a vital pillar in the foundation of the church.

1. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

2. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for the prayer ministry in RCCG and for its establishment.

3. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy over the prayer ministry in RCCG

4. Father in the name of Jesus, raise committed members in the prayer ministry in RCCG.

5. Father in the name of Jesus, raise watchmen that are not blind in the prayer ministry in RCCG.

6. Father, raise and set watchmen that will do the job of intercession without the fear of any man in the name of Jesus, Isa 21:6

7. Father in the name of Jesus, raise members in the prayer ministry that will hear

God’s word and declare as they receive without fear. Eze 3:17

8. Father in the name of Jesus, make members of the prayer ministry fervent in prayers and rooted in the word of God.

9. Father in the name of Jesus, build your end time army in the prayer ministry of the RCCG.

10. Father in the name of Jesus baptize the life of members of the prayer ministry with the Holy Ghost and fire. Obad 1:18

11. Father in the name of Jesus, plant the seed of intercession in the life of every member of the prayer ministry.

12. Father according to your word, answer all our prayers speedily. Pro 13:12

13. Father, please help us to always rejoice in hope, patient in tribulation be constant in prayer and serving you with gladness of heart in Jesus name. Rom 12:12.

14. Father, raise men like Aaron and Ur for Daddy and Mummy G.O.

Thursday 6th February 2020

DAY 27: 2020 HOLY GHOST SERVICES, TEXT: Mark 16:17&20, Heb 2:4, Acts 4:30 Acts 2:43. The Holy Ghost Service is a monthly program in the RCCG that is held in the first Friday of every month. The one in March is always special because we gather together to appreciate God the birth of HOLY GHOST SERVICE.

1. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for all the past Holy Ghost services in RCCG. Psa 107:1

2. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for your mercy towards the success of all the past Holy Ghost services. Rom 9:14&15

3. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for sending your word through our father in the Lord, daddy G.O during all the Holy Ghost services. Psa 138:2

4. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for all the past, Present and future testimony from the Holy Ghost service. Rev 12:11

5. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for advancing the Holy Ghost service on a yearly basis. Psa 105:1

6. Father in the name of Jesus, let there be great turn around in healing and deliverance during this year Special Holy Ghost service. Joel 2:32

7. Father in the name of Jesus, let the fountain of breakthrough and favour break forth in this year Holy Ghost services. Psa 102:13

8. Father in the name of Jesus, make all the Holy Ghost services great. Jn 14:13-14, Jn 16:24

9. Father in the name of Jesus, bring Gladness to the life of many that will attend this year Holy Ghost services. Joel 2:23

10. Father in the name of Jesus, let the gate of attendance and soul winning be lifted in all the Holy Ghost services this year. Prov 11:30.

Friday 7th February 2020


TEXT: Matthew 24:7- 8. We read and hear about all the evils that are being done in many of the nations of the world. We are also aware that these are all associated with the end time happenings that scripture talks about in Matthew 24:7-8. In tackling these challenges, we need to call upon God in prayers.

1. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

2. Father, let your peace that passeth all understanding reign in (Put your country). in Jesus’ name. Phi 4:7

3. Father in all the ways, we have contributed to the evil happenings in this nation, please forgive us in Jesus’ name. Psa 5:7-10

4. Lord Jesus, please destroy by your power all the works of evil in (Put your country). in Jesus’ name. 1 John 3:8

5. Father, disappoint the devices of all the crafty ones in our nations so that they will not be able to perform their wicked enterprise in Jesus’ name. Job 5:12

6. Father, release confusion into the camp of the enemies of (Put your country). In Jesus’ name. Gen. 11:1-9

7. Father, break the jaw and the arms of all man slaughters in this (Put your country). in Jesus’ name. Psa 10:15, Job 29:17

8. Heavenly Father, please let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end in (Put your country). in Jesus’ name. Psa 7:9

9. Oh God, let the triumphing of the evil ones in (Put your country) be cut short in Jesus’ name. Job 27:17

10. Lord of Host let every god that did not create heaven and earth in (Put your country) perishes in Jesus’ name.

11. As the heathen nations could not attack the family of Jacob (Genesis 35:7), I declare that no satanic emissary shall be able to attack my family and my nation in Jesus name.

12. Father, let your law enforcement angels of God locate, expose and arrest all terrorists in my nation in Jesus’ name. Rev 13:10

Saturday 8th February 2020

DAY 29: PRAYER FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE: TEXT: 1 Timothy 2:1-3. For us to achieve good governance in our nation, we have the responsibility to pray for divine intervention in our government affairs.

1. Father, we thank you for the government of our country (Put your country)

2. We confess and repent of all the sins of (Put your country) ns and leaders. 2Chro 7:14

3. Father, clothe our leaders in this nation with your fear and wisdom in Jesus’ name. Prov 15:33, 9:10

4. Father, please uproot every plant you have not planted in (Put your country) in Jesus’ name. Matt 15:13

5. Oh Lord, let your will be done in (Put your country) as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10

6. Almighty God, please do something in this nation (Put your country) that will cause men to believe that you the Most High rule in the kingdom of men in Jesus’ name. Dan 4:17

7. Oh God, turn the hearts of our rulers to do only your will in this nation in Jesus’ name. Prov 21:1

8. We declare that Jesus is Lord over (Put your country) in Jesus’ name.

9. Father, let the mountain of the house of the Lord govern every other mountain in Jesus’ name. Isa 2:2

10. Father, give us the grace to enforce your will on earth as you have given unto us the kingdom of the earth. Matt 6:10

11. Father, raise leaders who will preserve our nations in Jesus’ name.

Sunday 9th February 2020

DAY 30: INTEGRITY IN THE CHURCH, TEXT: Job 2:3, 1Chro29:17

1. Let us thank the Lord for sustaining the church regardless of the attack of the enemy Matt 16:18

2. Let us praise God for destroying every arrow shot at the church to discredit Her ordinance. Isa 54:17

3. Let us glorify the name of our God for honouring His name over the Church. Psa 46:5

4. Let us pray that the church stays true to God’s message and we proclaim it whether or not it is convenient. 2Tim 4:2

5. Let us pray that the church would be deeply committed to seeking God in prayer. Col 4:2

6. Let us pray that the church will boldly share Jesus, the ONLY way and hope! Acts 4:12

7. Let us pray that the church will worship, adore and praise God, in spirit and in truth. Joh 4:24

8. Let us pray for the church leaders to follow Christ, and serve humbly

9. Let us Pray for protection of all the flock won unto Christ and make our leaders good example. 1Pet 5:2-3

10. Let us pray for the church’s dedication and perseverance to bring believers unto maturity in discipleship. Col 1:28-29

11. Let us pray for more servants with the heart of integrity to join Jesus in His Kingdom work. Matt 9:37-38

12. Let us pray that church leaders prepare and equip believers for service. Eph 4:11-12

13. Let us pray that the church clings to its first love and let integrity of speech be found in her. Rev 2:4-5

14. Father, let our reverence for you surpass pleasing men in Jesus name.

15. Father give us the boldness to be transparent in all things , in Jesus name.

Monday 10th February 2020


1. Let us thank God for the current leaders we have in our nations.

2. Father grant unto our leaders in government supernatural guidance to discharge their duties in your fear with justice and integrity in Jesus name. Prov 11:3

3. Let us pray that our leaders shall not go in the path of perverseness in Jesus name Prov 28:6

4. Let us pray that all in the position of authority to serve with good and clear conscience. 1Pet 3:16

5. Father, help all our leaders to do what is right and acceptable for the progress of the governed in Jesus name. Prov 21:3

6. Let us pray that our leaders will not be bias in the utilization of resources available to the nation. 2Cor 8:21

7. Father, let your fear rule and reign in the heart of every leader in our nation in Jesus name. Joh 14:6

8. Father, show our leaders the way to follow that will bring about development in our nation in Jesus name. Prov 4:25-27

9. Let us pray for all our armed forces that they perform their duties with clear conscience so that they may be honourable in the eyes of the citizenry. Heb 13:18

10. Father, let all our leaders’ dealings be with human face in Jesus name. Luk 6:31

11. Father, preserve our leaders as they serve the nation with integrity in Jesusname. Psa 41:11-12

12. Let us pray that our leaders will allow for honest and godly counsel. Phi 4:8 Father, keep our leaders safe as they go about serving the nation in Jesus name. Isa 26:7

Tuesday 11th February 2020


1. Let us pray we will be found faithful in our daily occupation and business. 2Sam22:26

2. Let us pray that in our business and employment we will serve God in obedience. 1Chro 29:17

3. Let us pray for ourselves that we shall not be found wanting of nothing as representatives of God in the market place. Job 2:3

4. Let us pray against every form of temptation that may arise to discredit us in the workplace in Jesus name. Psa 25:19-21

5. Let us pray that we shall remain standing for Jesus in our workplace even when no one is looking at us. Psa 26:1-4

6. Let us pray that the Lord will use us and our business as a model for the world because we will not do business as the world is known to do it. Psa 26:9-12

7. Let us pray that He will grant us grace to withstand in the workplace so that we can see Him in glory. Psa 41:11-12

8. Let us pray to God to give us the character that will make us win souls in the marketplace. Psa 101:2.

9. Let us pray that we will learn to trust and obey your every command in our workplaces joyfully. Psa 119:1

10. Let us pray that the Lord will grant to us wisdom, knowledge and understanding to rule and reign in the marketplaces. Prov 2:6-8

11. Let us pray that Lord will guide our path as we discharge our business with a heart of integrity. Prov 10:9

12. Father, help us not to be dishonest in our workplace, but guide us to be an example of good businessmen and women in Jesus name. Prov 11:3

13. Let us pray that as we show good example in the workplace, we will influence generations. Prov 20:7

14. Father, give me strength to pray every day for the success of my business in the name of Jesus.

15. Let us pray that we shall not be greedy of gain and that we will remain content with our God giving profit. Prov 28:6

Wednesday 12th February 2020

DAY 33: CHILD ABUSE, TEXT: Psas 127:3-5: Children are the heritage from them Lord, and the hope of our future and the home we build. Child abuse is any behavior that harms a child, which can be physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse as well as neglect and exploitation.

1. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

2. Thank God for the gift of life, for it is only the living that can praise God, Psa 115:17

3. Thank God for giving you wonderful children, Jas 1:17

4. Father please destroy every snare the enemies set to trap our children in Jesus name, Psa 124:7.

5. Father please destroy every evil plantation against our children in Jesus name, Matthew 15:13

6. Father, please deliver our children from any form of physical maltreatment in Jesus name.

7. Father, please arise and rescue our children from sexual molestation in Jesus name.

8. Father, please arise and defend our children from every form of attack in Jesus name

9. Father, please arise and defend our children from forced labor in Jesus name. Joel 3:6

10. Father, please arise and defend our children from any form of exploitation in Jesus name

11. Father, please bless every parent so that they can adequately take care of their children in Jesus name.

12. Father, please arise and arrest every agent of child trafficking in Jesus name Ezekiel 27:13

13. Father, please arise and arrest every terrorist that is recruiting our children for terrorism in Jesus name.

14. Father, please arise and rehabilitate every child that has been rescued in Jesus name.

15. Father, please grant all parents the grace to train their children in your own way in Jesus name, prov.22:6.

Thursday 13th February 2020


1. Bless the Lord for the salvation of your soul.

2. Thank God for the gift of life, for it is only the living that can praise God, Psa 115:17

3. Thank God for the gift of accurate prophecy upon our Daddy, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian church of God.

4. Thank God for his promises through prophecy for you this year. Isaiah 9:6

5. Thank God for fulfilling all the prophecies for last year.

6. Thank God in advance for the fulfillment of the prophecies for this year.

7. Thank God for the grace he bestowed upon the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian church of God to stand and watch upon the tower to hear what God will say this year, Hab. 2:1.

8. Father, please help me to receive my prophecy through prayer in Jesus name, 1ki,18:42-45.

9. Father, arise and scatter anything and everything that can hinder my prophecy from being fulfilled in Jesus name, Psa 68:1.

10. Father, please by your mercy, take me to the location where my prophecy will be fulfilled in Jesus name Gen.26:12-14,

11. Father, please by your mercy connect me with my destiny helpers that will lead to the fulfillment of my prophecy in Jesus name. Gen.41:9-14

12. Father please by your mercy, help me to do every charity that will lead to speedy fulfillment of my prophecy this year in Jesus name, Gen.18:1-14, 2ki 4:816

13. Father, I reject every negative prophecy over me and my family in Jesus name, Psa 91:7-8

14. Father, I reject every negative prophecy over my nation in Jesus name,

15. Father, please by your mercy let your Church enjoy the great turn around this year in Jesus name.

Friday 14th February 2020

DAY 35: PRAYER AGAINST POVERTY, Text: Prov.10:15, 20:13. Poverty is the state of being poor, it exists when people lacks idea and the means to satisfy their basic needs, poverty can be a curse and it’s a torment, so you need to pray it out of your life.

1. Bless the name of the Lord for the salvation of your soul.

2. Thank God for the gift of life, for it is only the living that can praise God, Psa 115:17

3. Thank God for daily provision for your life and family.

4. Thank God for satisfying your mouth with good things, Psa 103:5

5. Thank God for supplying all your need according to his riches in glory, Phil.4:19.

6. Thank God for becoming poor for you to be rich, 2Cor 8:9,

7. Father, arise and scatter every enemy that is sponsoring poverty in my life in Jesus name, Psa 68:1,

8. Father, by your mercy, remove from me and my family every garment of poverty in Jesus name, Zec 3:3-4,

9. Father, by your mercy, visit my foundation and uproot every seed of poverty planted by the enemies in Jesus name, Mat.15:13

10. Father, by your mercy, destroy every altar of poverty the enemies have raised against my life in Jesus name. Judg 6:25

11. Father, by your mercy, cast out every spirit of poverty in my life in Jesus name. Deut. 8:18

12. Father redeem me with your blood from every curse of poverty in Jesus name, Gal.3:13-14,

13. Father, arise and destroy every evil pipe that is draining away my prosperity in Jesus name.

14. Father by your mercy, deliver me from financial enslavement in Jesus name, Isa 49:24-26.

15. Father by your mercy, restore to me my financial glory that the enemies have stolen from me in Jesus name, Joe.2:25.

Saturday 15th February 2020


social unit of two or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption God is the

originator of the family Enemies are working tirelessly to make sure families are not at

peace with God. Let us arise and pray for our families.

1. Bless the name of the Lord for the salvation of your soul.

2. Thank God for the gift of life, for it is only the living that can praise God, Psa 115:17.

3. Thank God for His daily watch over you and your family, Psa 121:3-4.

4. Thank God for satisfying your family with good things, Psa 103:5

5. Thank God for supplying all the needs of your family according to his riches in glory, Phil.4:19

6. Father, by your mercy let your spirit of unity reign in my family in Jesus name, Psa 133:1-3

7. Father by your mercy break every yoke of disunity and misunderstanding from my family in Jesus name, Isa 10:27

8. Father, by your mercy don't let your presence depart from my family in Jesus name, Exo.33:5

9. Father, by your mercy, break every chain of affliction in my family in Jesus name. Nah.1:9

10. Father, by your mercy dismantle and destroy every generational satanic altar inherited both from my maternal and paternal sides in Jesus name, Jud 6:25

11. Father, by your mercy, let power to make wealth release to my family in Jesus name, Deut.8:18.

12. Father, by your mercy send unusual help to me and my family in Jesus name.

13. Let us pray that wherever evil will manifest this year, we and our family members will not be there in Jesus name.

14. Father, arise and frustrate anyone, any power that is making life difficult for me and my family to live in Jesus name.

15. Father, by your mercy, give me and my family members the grace to serve, love and fear you to the end in Jesus name, Jos.24:15.

Sunday 16th February 2020

DAY37: PRAYER FOR GOD PROTECTION IN NATIONS, Text: 1Ki 13:1-5, Deut.7:5. Before there can be safety in our nations, evil altars where devils and their agents meet must be destroyed!

1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. Father we forbid any satanic backlash or retaliation against me and my family. Isa 54:17

4. Bind and rebuke the princes and powers in charge of this (mention the name of the nation/city you are currently located).

5. Command the fire of God on all the idols, traditions, sacrifices and rituals on the land(mention your country and the city your currently located) 2Ki 1:12

6. Pray and break all the agreements made between the people of the nation/city (mention your country and the city your currently located) and satan. Isa 28:18

7. Oh Lord we dedicate and claim the nation/city for God (mention your country and the city your currently located). Deut. 15:19

8. Father, we destroy and decree total removal of arsons, strikes, juvenile delinquencies, lawlessness, nakedness, pornography, immoralities, homosexuality and drug addiction from the nation/city (mention your country and the city your currently located).Lev. 26:30

9. Let us prophesy against all the satanic altars in high places in the nation/city to be consumed by the fire of God and their ashesblown away by the East wind. 1 Ki 13:5

10. Most Holy God, let the sword and the hand of the Lord be against the priests and priestesses ministering at all these satanic altars and high places and let their places be found no more. Lev. 26:33

11. By the power in the name of Jesus we silence every evil directive from all satanic altars and high places of the nation/city. Hab. 2:20

12. Father, let all curses brought about by ritual, sacrifices and satanic tokens be revoked. Est 8:5

13. Declare that henceforth, Jesus Christ is Lord over this nation/city. Psa 24:9

Monday 17th February 2020

DAY 38: POWER TO DO THE WILL OF GOD, TEXT: Jer 29:11. When prayer is effective it avails much. Through effective prayers we bring to pass the will of God on earth.

1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. Father, please let Your will be done in all spheres of my life on earth as it is in heaven. Matt 6:10, Luke 11:2

4. Father, please, whatsoever that will not allow Your will be done in my life , destroy it now. Matt 6:10, Luke11:2

5. Thank God for His plans and purpose and His will concerning you. 1Thess 5 :18

6. Father, please let Thy kingdom come upon my life and forever. Matt 6:10, Luke11:2

7. Father, please according to Your will, sanctify me to avoid sexual immorality in my life. 1Thess 4:3

8. Father, please according to Your will, let Your thoughts of peace and not of evil be manifested in my life. Jer 29:11.

9. Father, please according to Your will, let all the goodness in your word come to me. Jer 29:10

10. Father, please according to Your will, baptize me with Your divine wisdom that upbraideth not. Jas 1:5

11. Father, please according to Your will, we confess all our sins knowingly and unknowingly before you. 1Joh 1:9

12. Father, please according to Your will, cleanse us from all unrighteousness by the blood of the Lamb. 1Joh 1:9

13. Father, you are the God of peace, make me perfect in every good work to do Your will. Heb 13:20-21

14. Father, please teach me to do Thy will and lead me to the land of uprightness. Psa 143:10

Tuesday 18th February 2020

DAY 39: DEPRESSION AND SUICIDE. Depression is a state of being downcast or in deep sorrow. Sometimes it leads to suicide. Believers have the grace of His word that cheers us up whenever depression is about to set in. That is why we must not stop meditating on His word and continue to stand against these spirits in our prayers.

1. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

2. Father, thank you for your promises to terminate every spirit of depression in Jesus name. Isa. 41:10

3. Father, thank you for making me righteous and hearing my cry and saving me from every trouble in Jesus name Psa. 34:17.

4. Father, please deliver us from the spirit of depression in Jesus name Psa. 42:11

5. Father help us to maintain the right spirit you have given us in Jesus name. 2Tim 1:7

6. Father, let every spirit of retardation that causes depression in my family be destroyed in Jesus name Gen 42:38, 44:29

7. Father, because You are the way go before me and be with me, do not fail nor forsake me in Jesus name. John 14:6, Isa 45:1-3

8. Father, terminate fear and depression in my life and family in Jesus name. Deut. 31:8

9. Father, because of your word in John 16:33 to me, I therefore exercise dominion over every spirit of failure, defeat and depression, and suicide in Jesus Name.

10. The Lord is with me like a mighty terrible one, so I reject depression and suicide in Jesus Name Jer. 20:11.

11. The Bible says in Mark 11:24 that whatsoever I desire when I pray, I should believe that I receive them, and I shall have them; Therefore, I pray now that in Name of Jesus I am free from every captivity or attack of negative speech from my mouth or thoughts from my heart against myself.

12. Father, you are my shield and the lifter up of my head, therefore I decree: depression shall not have dominion over me in Jesus namePsa. 3:3.

13. Father, I thank you for giving me the spirit of praise and joy in replacement of the spirit of depression and suicide in Jesus Name.

Wednesday 19th February 2020

DAY 40: NATURAL DISASTERS-TEXT: Gen 6:17, Psa 46:1-3. Natural disasters are destructive events, calamities that happen by nature. Such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes, fire, tsunami, landslide, plaques, etc. Men regard their occurrence as an act of God or by some strange powers; hence there is a need to pray against them from time to time.

1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD'S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions that has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1

4. Thank the Almighty God for he is the controller of the universe. Psa 69:30

5. Let us praise the omnipotent God for being the possessor of heaven and theearth Gen 14:19.

6. Father, please forgive us of every generational sins in the mighty name of Jesus. Isaiah 59:1-2

7. Father, please don’t let the rain of snares, fire, brimstone and horrible tempest ever be our portion again. Psa 11:6

8. Father, you are the Almighty God, don’t let evil occur in our nations again.

9. Father, by your mercy and grace, let there be no sudden cry of sorrow in our habitations.

10. Father, please reverse the effects of evil floods that have caused destruction in our societies.

11. Father let your divine mercy rule over judgments that can warrant unforeseen destruction in our societies. Jas 2:13

12. Father, please redeem us from the destruction of earthquakes upon thesurface of the earth. Jer. 15:21

13. Father, put an end to any form of sudden death caused by natural disasters. Acts 27:22

14. Father, frustrate any programme of fire outbreak in all nations this year.

15. Any destructive wind programmed to manifest in any part of this world this year, be still in Jesus name.

16. Father send help to all the victims of the past natural disasters.

17. Oh Lord, arrest any power using natural disasters to destroy lives in Jesus name. Rev. 6:8

Thursday 20th February 2020

DAY 41: PRAYER AGAINST SICKNESS & INFIRMITIES, TEXT: Exo 15:26, JaS 5:15, Psa 107:20-21, 1Pet 2 :24, Mal 4 :2. Sickness originated from the fall of man in the garden of Eden. The force behind sickness is Satan. The will of God Almighty is that we should enjoy sound health all the days of our life here on earth. It is the prayer of faith that rescues a man from the wilderness of sickness.

1. Thank God for His mercy that endureth for ever over us. Psa 136:1

2. Thank God for His healing power and grace that is sufficient for us. Psa103:3

3. Father, forgive us of any sin that has brought sickness upon any one of us. Psa 107:1

4. I command every evil handwriting justifying sickness in my life to be wiped away by the blood of Jesus. Col 2:14

5. Father I pull down any stronghold of sickness attached to my destiny in Jesus name. 2Cor 10:4

6. In the mighty name of Jesus, I break into piece any altar of sickness fighting my life. Deut. 7:5

7. Holy Ghost, please remove any garment of sickness from my life in Jesus name.

8. I command any arrow of sickness in my body to go out now in Jesus name. Psa 18:14

9. I terminate any acquired sickness at my birth in the mighty name of Jesus. Joh 9:1

10. Father, let your power heal me of any stubborn sickness that want to kill me before my time. Joh 11:4

11. Father, by redemption, any sickness that kills people untimely in my family will not kill me.

12. King of glory! Terminates any terminal sickness that runs in my family.

13. Father, in your mercy, heal and save any member of my family that is sick.

14. I command every seed of sickness planted in my body to beuprooted in Jesus name. Matt 15:13

15. Father, I claim my total freedom from any sickness in my life in Jesus name. Joh 8:36.

Friday 21st February 2020

DAY 42: PRAYER FOR DIVINE HEALING (INDIVIDUAL), TEXT: Joh 8:36, 1Pe2:24.It is never the will of God for any of His children to be sick, 3Jn 1:2. It is sin that brought sickness into the world, we need to repent and turn to God in our prayers of faith to get out of sicknesses and disease.

1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD'S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions that has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1

4. Thank God for His healing power that is available for His Children, in Jesus name. Psa 103:3

5. Father, please forgive me all my sins both known and unknown that have brought this sickness and diseases (mention the name of sickness) upon me, in Jesus name. Psa 103:3, Jas 5:15

6. Father, by your mercy, please take away from me every inherited sickness and diseases, in Jesus name. Exo15:26

7. Father, please destroy every yoke of sickness and diseases in my life, in Jesus name. Acts 10:38, Isa 10:27

8. Lord Jesus, by your resurrection power, I overcome every sickness and diseases unto death upon my life, in Jesus name. Joh 11:4, Isa 28:1

9. Father, please put an end to every form of sickness and diseases outbreak in my country (put your country), in Jesus name. Prov 23:18

10. Father, please by your Mighty hand of power, terminates every spirit of infirmity upon my life, in Jesus name. Luk 13:11-12, Joh 5:1-9

11. Father, please heal every damage done in my body as a result of sicknesses and diseases and diseases, in Jesus name. Jer 17:14

12. Father, I decree every arrow of sickness and diseases targeted against my country (put your country), church, family, etc. , goback to your sender, in Jesus name. Psa 18:14

13. Father, arise and let the source of the sickness in my body dry up by the fire of Holy Ghost , in Jesus name. Psa.107:20

14. Let every germ, virus, bacteria and poison working against my health be neutralized by the blood of Jesus. Rev. 12:11

15. Lord by your mercy, I will enjoy good health and divine prosperityall the days of my life, in Jesus name. 3Jn 1:2

Saturday 22nd February 2020

DAY 43: HEALINGS FOR THE NATIONS, , TEXT: 2Kgs. 2:19, 2Chro 7:14. Many nations are sick and some are under curse because God is neglected and evil is prevailing.

1. Thank God for his mercy and goodness to all nations. Psa 106:1

2. Thank God for sustaining all nations despite evil and rejection of God in many.

3. Let’s ask for mercy from God for all nations in Jesus Name. 2Chro 7:14

4. Let us pray that the blood of Jesus will purify all nations in Jesus name. Matt 26:28

5. Father, paralyse every power polluting my nation in Jesus name.

6. Father, heal our political system of every infection in Jesus name. Mark 6:13 7. We render impotent any power polluting our political system in Jesus name.

8. Holy spirit arrests and render useless any power demanding blood ritual, hence polluting the land. Acts 15:20

9. Holy spirit terminates all forms of blood rituals in all nations.

10. Father, heal the economy of our nations. 2Chro. 7:14 11. Father, heal our land of every form of barrenness. 2Ki 2:21

12. We banish the spirit of addiction from our nation.

13. Holy Spirit heal all our people of addictions in Jesus name. Acts 10:38

14. We send the spirit of sexual immorality out of our nations.

15. Father, in your mercy, heal all that are sexually polluted in our nation. Matt 14:14

Sunday 23rd February 2020


TEXT: Psalms 91:1- end-Part of the recent strategy of Satan to achieve the purpose of sending many to hell is through different insurgent groups that emanated in different part of the world, through oppression, they will cause many to sin against God and some of those they eventually killed never had the privilege to repent of their sins. We should understand that insurgency is beyond politics and religion and we need to pray for divine intervention.

1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103: 1

2. Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul

3. Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD'S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions that has not failed us. Lam 3:22 Psa 34:1

4. Let thank God for His spirit that watches over the whole earth.

5. Let thank God for maintaining peace in most part of the world. Psa 100:5

6. Father, expose and frustrate all the powers sponsoring insurgent groups anywhere in the world. Isa 44:25

7. Lord encamp round your people and the innocent ones against insurgentgroups all nations Psa 125:2

8. We counter the spirit of insurgency in all nations in Jesus name.

9. Jesus, you are the prince of peace; let your peace flow like a river all nations of the world Jhn 14:27

10. Father, terminate the wickedness of insurgent groups in all nations in Jesusname.

11. Father have mercy on as many as will repent and save them from eternaldamnation. Jhn 3:16

12. Lord, let the spirit of confusion destroy the unity among them in Jesus namGen 11:8

13. Father, relegate anyone using public office for evil in Jesus name.

14. Father rescue our youths from this deadly mission in Jesus name.

15. Father, let there be supernatural restoration of all insurgent groups havedestroyed. Jer 32:44

16. Father, let there be no insurgent attack in our land this year in Jesus.

Monday 24th February 2020

DAY 45: PRAYER FOR ALL SOUL WINNING OUTREACHES GLOBALLY-Let-go-a fishing is another name for major crusades that takes place during major international events to win souls to the kingdom of God. It is expected to hold in all nations by members of this church. Many souls have been won through this crusade in the past.

1. Let sing praises to God and worship His holy name. Psa 145:21

2. Kindly thank God for the salvation of your soul.

3. Give praises to God for the souls saved in the past Go-a-fishing. Psa 106:47

4. Thank God for establishing those won into the kingdom in the past Go-a-fishing 5. Father send faithful labourers to all our parishes for the harvests in all nations. Matt 9:38.

6. We arrest every power In all location that has been holding the unbelievers captive in Jesus name. Eph 4:18

7. Let’s command the blindfold on the understanding of the unbeliever to roll away now in Jesus Name.

8. Let us pray that the Spirit of God will gather all that are ordained to be saved in this crusade at right crusade point in Jesus Name. Matt 22:10

9. Father let there be great manifestation of the power of God at each crusade ground.

10. Let’s prayer for healing, deliverance and miracles that will convince the unbelievers and edify the body of Christ. Acts 19:11

11. Father let there be bumper harvest of souls at every location in all nations in Jesus name. Acts 5:14

12. Let us pray that the usual momentum that greets our lets go a fishing programme in the early days will return. Acts 4:32

13. Let us pray for committed and faithful workers, who are willing to sacrifice by giving themselves wholly for the work of the kingdom. 2 Tim 2:2

14. Father let every soul that will be saved be established in your kingdom forever in Jesus name.

15. Father, release a fresh spirit to follow up to the church, that the church will not rest until all the converts are established in Christ. Isa 62:1

Tuesday 25th February 2020

DAY 46: GREAT TURNAROUND MANIFESTATIONS-TEXT: Acts 8:5-8: This season of great turnaround is here, it is meant to manifest and affect every sphere of life positively in all nations of the world.

1. Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth forever. Psa 118:1

2. Let us thank God who has not destroyed us like the days of Noah because of our sins.

3. Let’s thank God for the great turn around that He has promised. Isa 42:9

4. We plead for mercy on behalf of all nations in the World. 2Chro. 7:14

5. Father let there be godly governance in all nations of the World from now. Prov 29:2

6. We arrest and paralyze devils influencing governance negatively in all nations.

7. Father, restore all the opportunities i have lost in my life in Jesus name.

8. Father, deal with every power that is wasting opportunities in my life in Jesus name.

9. Father, frustrate and expose all the powers polluting our societies with drugs and immoralities. Isa 44:25

10. Father, let there be great turn around in our educational system in all nations. Psa 126:4

11. Father, let all that I have lost turn around and locate ne in Jesus name.

12. Holy Ghost, restore the fear of God to the church and our societies. Isa 11:2

13. Father, let there be economic turnaround in all nations of the world in Jesus name.

14. Host of heaven, deal with all opposition to the turnaround in all nations in Jesus name.

15. Father, let me be a partaker of this turn around in Jesus name. Isa 1:9

Wednesday 26th February 2020

DAY 47: FRUIT OF INTEGRITY: Integrity is matching words with action. Your words are powerful; they are covering upon you like a garment. It presents you as “responsible” or “Irresponsible” before God and man. Those who knows the value of integrity prefer to be swift in hearing but slow in speaking Jam 1:19 unfortunately many ministers, workers and members lacks value for integrity in their ministry, family and secular affairs.

1. Praise and worship our God for Who He is. Isa 44:6

2. Praise and worship our God for the creation power of heavens, the earth and everything therein. Psa 148:5

3. Let us praise God for His marvelous works on the earth. Psa 40:5

4. Let us thank God for His mercy and goodness in our life and family. Psa 23:6

5. Let us thank God for His goodness and mercy in His church and your nation. Psa 23:6

6. Have you borrowed anything with a promise to pay back at a certain time and yet to pay back after the deadline? God describe you as a wicked person. Psa 37:21. Pray for mercy, and go and pay back what you borrow

7. Read Matt 7: 20. Are you a minister, workers or member of the church, that what you says, what you teach or preach to others, are not a match for the life you life, it means your words are vain words. You need to repent. Ask God for mercy and restoration.

8. Father; remove every filthy garment that Satan has put on us as a result our words Zec 13:4

9. Dishonesty is a reason why many lacks integrity; Father, deliver your people from every acts of dishonesty

10. Father; touch my tongue with your coal of fire to always tell the truth. Isa 6:6

11. Gehazi and his generation became leprous as a result of covetousness and lies. O God, save your people from destructions as a result of doubled lifestyles. 2Kings 5:27

12. Father; please help our church leaders to be good examples of living by what they say. Psa 15:4

13. Father; please help our political leaders to be good examples of living by what they say.

14. Father; have mercy on our church leaders, where they have said “God said” whereas God has not said. Jer 23:21

15. Praise singing, sycophancies are major weapon devil uses to deceive and bring down many men of God; Father; give your people victory over lying spirit King 22:6

Thursday 27th February 2020

DAY 48: PERSONAL/RETREAT PRAYERS 1-Reflect on 2 Cor 6:14-18 for a Closer work with God and 2 Cor 4: 14-18, for Personal consecration focusing on things of eternal values.

1. Pray for your Parish, Province and Region, Department, Pastors, their families and fellow brethren.

2. Pray personal requests

Friday 28th February 2020

DAY 49: PERSONAL/ RETREAT PRAYERS 2-Reflect on Rom 7, 8.

Pray for the power to subdue the flesh.

1.Pray personal requests

Saturday 29th February 2020


1 Concluding prayers

2 Thank God for answer to all prayers



The Redeemed Christian Church of God

  RCCG Philippines

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